120 years of knowledge

Dr András Pető was born 120 years ago today, on 11th September 1893. 

He is the founder of the wonderful Conductive Education what helped thousands and thousands of children and adults with Cerebral Palsy to live a better life!

Happy Birthday dear Dr Pető!


90 Years

Exactly 90 years ago, this day Mária Hári was born – the one, who took the footsteps of András Pető, the founder of the wonderful Conductive Education.


After Pető’s death, Mária Hári – his student and colleague – continued his work successfully and became the director of the Institute for the Motor Disordered and Conductors’ Training College. Since then each and every manager has led the Institute in the spirit of Pető Professor and all the conductors and helpers follow his theory immovably.



An old picture of the founder of CE

I found a very old photo about Andras Peto, the founder of Conductive Education on the Facebook page of Peto Education UK.  It is so nice to find things like this! 🙂

“Pető filled the gap in the field of treating disabled people. Patients arrived from all over the country, inpatients and outpatients, children and adults. “

From Memoirs of the beginnings of Conductive Pedagogy and Andras Peto.

Special dates in the world of Conductive Education

Andrew Sutten wrote on his Facebook page yesterday:


András Pető
Born 11 September 1893 (Szombathely)
Died 11 September 1967 (Budapest)

I was surprised at the coincidence of the dates! Thank you, Andrew for the information! It is good to know that was a speical day!

Pető Retro :)

One of my colleagues, Gabriella C. Juhasz, has recently shared these photos on Facebook. She aptly called them “Pető Retro”. 🙂

András Pető on the right.

Conductors at the beginning.

On the third picture the text says “as a souvenir” and the date is 1976.

It would be great to collect more and more of these pictures as a collection of the life of András Pető and the birth of Conductive Education.

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